We are first and foremost Business Consultants with an in-depth understanding of how to create sustainable growth.
Our Team of three partners and over twenty associates can help you develop your growth strategy with bespoke solutions for anticipating or overcoming current and future challenges to achieve your goals for expansion.
Due to the diversity of expertise and experience in our team, we are relevant to most sectors and industries (we are sector agnostic), understanding the associated operational implications for your organisation.
We do not “sell” off the shelf solutions; we endeavour to develop a mindset of performance relevant to the specific ambition and available resources of each client.
We specialise in the creation of New Value in terms of:
- Markets penetration and development.
- Innovation and diversification of products and services.
- New customers.
- Revenue and profit.
We focus on:
- Diagnosis
- Alignment
- Prioritisation
- Accountability
- Outcomes
We take great care of:
- Not over diagnosing or labelling anyone or anything.
- Not being too much of a prescriber or advice giver and doing our best to hold own ideas loosely, to everyone to work out what’s going on.
- Not over focusing on problems but supporting the Senior Leadership Team to see possible solutions while never losing sight of the outcomes and of the realistic feasibility.
- However, we also encourage to take immediate and appropriate action on possible priority issues/challenges (burning platforms) which may exist …i.e. let’s not wait for too long if a challenge needs/can be addressed now”.
Strategic Growth Advisors and Coaching Experts
We are highly recognised in the fields of Team & Individual Coaching and Training.
Helping you identify opportunities and need for change and development via our client and solutions focussed approach.
We facilitate the emergence of a willingness to change, compromise and adapt to changing circumstances.
We help Senior Leadership Teams make changes to established “norms” by introducing imaginative, original and new principles, methods or ideas to deliver improvements.
We help you scope, plan and drive change… including and taking account of diverse ideas, company-wide views and experiences from a range of contexts and backgrounds.
We help you develop a better understanding of your drivers of organisational success and address possible issues within this context.
We create the necessary drive and focus to deliver a shared outcome.
Overall, we work in a constructively challenging partnership model of engagement by becoming an “ally” in our clients’ ongoing efforts to align management capability and processes with the changing demands on their business.
We also encourage our clients to:
• Question their present state and define their [future] better state.
• Apply a creative approach to generating options to help make the most appropriate decision.
• Pay attention to personal Vs. organisational performance.
We are also expert at Corporate Governance and Board Efficiency.
Corporate governance refers to the set of rules, principles and instructions that regulate the composition and work of the governing bodies of a company.
Good corporate governance reinforces the vision inside and outside the company of its possibilities, promoting business growth and the generation of profits that are the basis for proper management of the company
We have extensive experience in acting in executive and non-executive positions in boards of directors in national and foreign companies in a broad range of industries.
We clearly understand how to use comprehensive tools for strategy development and implementation, including incorporating ESG strategy.
We can help you build confidence in challenging the strategy where it’s needed and explore the different stages of developing and implementing a revised strategic approach that is realistic and achievable.
We find it essential for business leaders to appreciate how the culture of their organisation is shaped by the board and the executive team through good decision making.
By looking at the duties and responsibilities of each director, to fully understand what’s involved in making a real impact, StrategyCrowd can help you learn about the power of aligning the culture of the board with the organisation and its strategy.
We also offer advisory services on:
Reviewing key aspects of board governance, including nomination processes, onboarding considerations, compensation concerns, best practices, evaluation and succession planning.
Learning how to initiate and implement an evaluation of the board internally and how to set up an external evaluation.