Deadpan Pictures

2019 - 2020
Deadpan Pictures

Project Overview

StrategyCrowd worked with the client to understand their strategy, giving external perspective on their performance over the years and input into their plans for the future. Our key purpose was to focus on the massive competitive advantages the team brings to the table. Our challenge was to kick out the jams in terms of growing profitability based on those advantages. The project was carried out by way of six half day workshops mostly carried out in person.


StrategyCrowd gave the leadership the space and time to really investigate what their “Better State” might look like. Calahonda Mapping was used as the basis for the project. The leadership were fearless in terms of facing their challenges and recognising the need for sometimes profound change. The vision became clear very quickly. We brought in third party experts in the area of financial modelling which expedited the plans and moved rapidly towards turning intentions into a clear action plan. Feedback from the client and Enterprise Ireland was very positive. We keep in touch with one of the clients we are proudest to have served. This is a team destined for great things.

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