StrategyCrowd helped the client to triage its potential markets and develop gameplans to engage with successfully with its key clients. The client is one of the best we have worked with in regards to planning and marketing data capture. Our job was to help them focus on the stuff that mattered from all that data and insight. The project was carried out by two StrategyCrowd Partners – Alan Costello and Frank Hannigan
This team could have headed off in any number of directions. We spent a lot of time looking at their history – what worked, what they did exceptionally and what they loved doing. The leadership were fast – many ideas were piloted rapidly and either dispatched as no hopers or improved and scaled rapidly. The vision became clear very quickly. Our job in most cases was not to provide the answer but to interrogate the assumptions that were leading the clients approach. This leadership team jumped over every barrier in their way, showed resolve when they fell short and tried harder. The company is exceptional and is a great ambassador for a private Irish Research organisation. Feedback from the client and European Commission was very positive. We keep in touch with one of the clients we are proudest to have served. This is a team destined for great things.