Author Archives: Frank Hannigan

Get a shark tank full of piranhas or a cold circle. Look for tough love.

Posted on by Frank Hannigan

I just finished reading “Burn the business plan”, Everything we believe that works for startups, does not work. Business planning, enterprise support, ecosystems, mentoring, etc. Wikipedia He is particularly critical about mentoring. Decided to look up what mentoring means. According to Wikipedia; Mentorship refers to a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or […]

An intrapreneurship playbook for CEOs

Posted on by Frank Hannigan

Intrapreneurship is a hot topic. It will replace innovation as the buzzword for the next three years. Peter Hinssen, Eric Ries and Freek Vermeulen have written some excellent books on the topic. Zone to win The one book to read if you are on the management team of a large corporation is “Zone to Win: Organising […]

Extraordinary times need extraordinary leadership

Posted on by Frank Hannigan

I am preparing for a one day workshop at Teesside University about leadership. If you read “Technology versus Humanity” you will realise how important leadership is going to be in the future. Extraordinary times need extraordinary leadership. Struggling with what to talk about and discuss. Here is what I have come up with so far:  Man against machine A […]


Posted on by Frank Hannigan

Resilience The definition of resilience is “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties” or “the ability to persevere; to attempt to overcome setbacks or obstacles” In everyday-speak, it is often referred to as ‘bounce-back-ability or “toughness”. It is used in a business context, but also in the context of personal development, community development or indeed […]

The importance of strategic focus

Posted on by Frank Hannigan

Have you ever been to a place where everything you have worked on, all the hundreds of business book you have read, all the subjects you have written about, all the conferences you spoke at, all the sessions you have had with your clients, all the principles you believe in, all come together in perfect […]

Posted on by Frank Hannigan

Ten years Below are 215 questions that we distilled from the business books that we have covered with our clients over the last ten years. They are random, and some might not be relevant. However, they will make you think. They might give you a headache too. Here it goes: Strategy 1. How random are […]

Strategy, movement, VUCA and leadership

Posted on by Frank Hannigan

Strategy We have been going through the hundreds of books we covered with our clients. You come to the startling and disappointing conclusion that the business thinking has not changed that much. It starts with Marcus Aurelius and it ends with Drucker. A lot of the core principles have remained. Movement, VUCA and you I […]

To be the disruptor

Posted on by Frank Hannigan

To be the disruptor or the disrupted. You have a choice. This perspective on future trends might help. Flash Foresight I am a huge fan of Daniel Burrus. The author of “Flash Foresight“. He brings a lot of sense to trends and perspectives on the future. Particularly the distinction between hard trends (inevitable) and soft […]

What are the industries of the future?

Posted on by Frank Hannigan

Before I read this book I would say anything environmental, AI, robotics, biotech (that include genetics), IoT, neuroscience, space, gaming and health. There is obvious overlap between those sectors. Just imagine a huge box full of lego blocks, combining these technologies with mobile, nano, virtual reality, big data, augmenting, biomimicry, material science, quantum physics and […]